Hard rubbish in Henley Beach today. We popped out briefly and ended up coming home with two trailer loads! I think this was the best find for the day, a solid room divider / wall unit made in South Australia still with the original makers label "Buttery's". It just needed a quick clean, then the hardest part was working out where to put it!
The chair was picked up last week from Grange Hard Rubbish, my goal being to find a special chair for our new cat Hestor. The frame is in great condition and Hestor feels right at home in his new chair.
The white tape recorder on the shelf is my original SHARP QT27 Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder that my parents gave me for my 13th Birthday back in the 80s. It certainly was the business! Remember, they also came in red, yellow, black, pink and blue! I was obviously quite a conservative child back in the 80s and chose white!